LD 1159
pg. 2
Page 1 of 7 An Act to Create the Calais to Eastport Rail Authority and Transfer State Owner... Page 3 of 7
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LR 1876
Item 1

use, operation, repair, construction, reconstruction,
rehabilitation, modernization, rebuilding, relocation,
maintenance and disposition of railroad lines, railway
facilities, rolling stock, machinery and equipment, trackage
rights, real and personal property of any kind and any rights in
or related to that property.

2.__Acquisition of properties; rights.__The authority may
acquire any of the properties or rights listed in subsection 1
through purchase, lease, lease-purchase, gift, devise or
otherwise.__In making these acquisitions the authority may
exercise the power of eminent domain following the same procedure
set forth in section 7154, subsection 5, except that any notice
of condemnation must be filed in the registry of deeds for the
county or counties or registry division or divisions in which the
property is located, in the case of real property, and with the
office of the Secretary of State in the case of personal

§8203. Contracts; studies

In order to implement section 8202 and the purposes of this
chapter, the authority shall:

1.__Conduct studies.__Conduct or cause to be conducted any
studies that the authority determines necessary or proper;

2.__Enter into contracts.__Enter into and fulfill any
contracts and agreements the authority determines necessary or

3.__Acquire property.__Acquire property, including, but not
limited to, railroad lines both within and outside of this State;

4.__Cooperate with government agencies.__Cooperate and enter
into agreements, contracts and compacts with any government
agency and any other person, public or private, that the
authority determines necessary.

§8204.__Funding;__expenditures of funds

1.__Source of funds.__The authority may accept money from the
Federal Government or any public or private source.__The
authority may also obtain funds by charging for the use of
authority facilities or by borrowing.

2.__Expenditure of funds.__Funds credited to the authority
must be expended to implement this chapter.

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