LD 1160
pg. 8
Page 7 of 8 An Act to Amend Certain Laws Administered by the Department of Environmental Pr... LD 1160 Title Page
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LR 939
Item 1

natural resource protection laws to provide that an agricultural
irrigation pond may not be located in a river, stream or brook if
it is determined by the Department of Environmental Protection at
the site assessment that there is a practicable alternative water
supply that would be less damaging to the environment.

8. It clarifies provisions governing the municipal review of
development set forth in the site location of development laws.

9. It amends provisions concerning the establishment of water
levels to provide that once a water level has been set on a lake
or pond by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection, the
commissioner does not have to hold another hearing to establish a
new water level in response to a public petition unless there has
been a substantial change in conditions since the original water
level decision was made.

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