LD 1161
pg. 6
Page 5 of 30 An Act to Create the East-West Highway Authority Page 7 of 30
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LR 1359
Item 1

point of connection with the East-West Highway and only in
accordance with reimbursement arrangements that are mutually
satisfactory to the authority and the department;

L.__Employ assistants; agents and servants; engineering,
traffic, architectural and construction experts and
inspectors; and attorneys and other employees that it
considers necessary or desirable for its purposes;

M.__Exercise any of its powers in the public domain of the
United States, unless the exercise of those powers is not
permitted by the laws of the United States;

N.__Borrow money; make, issue and sell at public or private
sale negotiable notes, bonds and other evidences of
indebtedness or obligations of the authority for the
purposes set forth in this chapter; and secure the payment
of those obligations or any part of those obligations by
pledge of all or any part of the operating revenues of the
East-West Highway;

O.__Enter into loan or security agreements with one or more
lending institutions, including, but not limited to, banks,
insurance companies and pension funds, or trustees for those
lending institutions for purposes__for which bonds may be
issued and exercise with respect to such loan or security
agreements all of the powers delineated in this chapter for
the issuances of bonds;

P.__Use toll revenues to provide payment of obligations, if
any, that may be due to the United States in order to
continue the use of the East-West Highway as a toll-type

Q.__Before the issuance of any bonds, issue interim
certificates in such a manner and with such conditions as
the authority may determine to be exchanged for bonds when
they are issued;

R.__Utilize the Department of Transportation, Office of
Legal Services or the Department of the Attorney General for
general counsel, bond counsel, labor defense, workers'
compensation, legislative issues and other required legal
services on a fee-for-service basis at rates determined by
those agencies;

S.__Take all other lawful action necessary and incidental to
these powers;

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