LD 1162
pg. 1
LD 1162 Title Page An Act to Require Legislative Review of Rules Regarding Campaign Report Filing ... LD 1162 Title Page
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LR 2000
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 21-A MRSA §1126, as enacted by IB 1995, c. 1, §17, is
amended to read:

§1126. Commission to adopt rules

The commission shall adopt rules to ensure effective
administration of this chapter. These rules must include but
must are not be limited to procedures for obtaining qualifying
contributions, certification as a Maine Clean Election Act
candidate, circumstances involving special elections, vacancies,
recounts, withdrawals or replacements, collection of revenues for
the fund, distribution of fund revenue to certified candidates,
return of unspent fund disbursements and compliance with the
Maine Clean Election Act. Rules of the commission establishing
campaign report filing forms for candidates are major substantive
rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A; other
rules of the commission are routine technical rules as defined in
that subchapter.


This bill amends the Maine Clean Election Act to require
legislative review of Commission on Governmental Ethics and
Election Practices rules establishing the forms to be used by
candidates to file campaign reports.

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