LD 1171
pg. 1
LD 1171 Title Page An Act to Provide for Management of the Harvest of Seaweed Page 2 of 2
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LR 2333
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §6803, sub-§3, as amended by PL 1991, c. 591, Pt. T,
§13, is further amended to read:

3. Fees. The fee schedule for seaweed permits is as follows:

A. Ten One hundred dollars for a resident seaweed permit;

B. Eighty-four One hundred and fifty dollars for a
nonresident seaweed permit; and

C. Three Ten dollars for a supplemental seaweed permit.

Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §6803, sub-§4 is enacted to read:

4.__Disposition of fees.__All fees collected under this
section accrue to the Seaweed Management Fund established in
section 6804.

Sec. 3. 12 MRSA §§6804 and 6805 are enacted to read:

§6804.__Seaweed Management Fund

1.__Fund established.__The Seaweed Management Fund, referred
to in this section as the "fund," is established as a dedicated,
nonlapsing fund.

2.__Permissible uses.__The commissioner may use the fund in
accordance with a plan required under subsection 3 to research
and manage the State's seaweed resources and to enforce the laws
and rules related to seaweed.

3.__Plan required.__Beginning in calendar year 2000, the
commissioner shall by May 1st of each year present a plan for
expenditures from the fund for the next fiscal year to the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
marine resource matters.__When developing the plan, the
commissioner shall consult with harvesters and seaweed dealers.

§6805.__Seaweed harvesting rules

The commissioner may adopt rules regulating the harvest of
seaweed, including, but not limited to, the total number of
licenses that may be issued, the designation of a harvesting
season or seasons, the quantity of the resource that may be
harvested in a season, areas that may be open or closed to
harvest and gear and techniques that may be used in harvesting.

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