LD 1173
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LD 1173 Title Page An Act Regarding Elver Fishing Page 2 of 7
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §6302-A, sub-§§1 and 2, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 708,
§1 and affected by §3, are amended to read:

1. Tribal exemption; commercial harvesting licenses. A
member of the Passamaquoddy Tribe who is a resident of the State
is not required to hold a state license or permit issued under
section 6421, 6501, 6505-A, 6505-C, 6505-E, 6535, 6536, 6601,
6701, 6702, 6703, 6731, 6745, 6746, 6748, 6748-A, 6748-D, 6751 or
6803 to conduct activities authorized under the state license or
permit if that member holds a valid license issued by the tribe
to conduct the activities authorized under the state license or
permit. A member of the Passamaquoddy Tribe issued a tribal
license pursuant to this subsection to conduct activities is
subject to all laws and rules applicable to a person who holds a
state license or permit to conduct those activities and to all
the provisions of chapter 625, except that the member of the

A. May utilize lobster traps tagged with trap tags issued
by the tribe in a manner consistent with trap tags issued
pursuant to section 6431-B. A member of the tribe is not
required to pay trap tag fees under section 6431-B if the
tribe issues that member trap tags;

B. May utilize elver fishing gear tagged with elver gear
tags issued by the tribe in a manner consistent with tags
issued pursuant to 6505-B. A member of the tribe is not
required to pay elver fishing gear fees under section 6505-B
if the tribe issues that member elver fishing gear tags
section 6505-E, subsection 7; and

C. Is not required to hold a state shellfish license issued
under section 6601 to obtain a municipal shellfish license
pursuant to section 6671.

2. Tribal exemption; sustenance or ceremonial tribal use.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a member of the
Passamaquoddy Tribe who is a resident of the State may at any
time take, possess, transport and distribute:

A. Any marine organism, except lobster, for sustenance use
if the tribal member holds a valid sustenance fishing
license issued by the tribe. A sustenance fishing license
holder who fishes for sea urchins may not harvest sea
urchins out of season;

B. Lobsters for sustenance use, if the tribal member holds a
valid sustenance lobster license issued by the tribe. The
sustenance lobster license holder's traps must be tagged with
sustenance use trap tags issued by the tribe in a

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