LD 1173
pg. 5
Page 4 of 7 An Act Regarding Elver Fishing Page 6 of 7
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LR 735
Item 1

person has been issued an elver fishing license under section 6505-
A 6505-E and:

A. Is in the presence of the license holder issued a tag
for the net or trap and has the license holder's permission
to tend the net or trap; or

B. Is issued written permission by a marine patrol officer
to tend the net or trap of a license holder issued a tag. A
marine patrol officer may issue a person written permission
for the person to tend the license holder's net or trap if
the license holder can not tend the net or trap because of a
disability or personal or family medical condition.

Sec. 6. 12 MRSA §§6575-F to 6575-H are enacted to read:

§6575-F.__Classification of elver fishing streams; limitations

1.__Classification by rule.__The commissioner shall by rule
classify that portion of each river, brook and stream in the
State below head of tide as either Class I, Class II or Class III
elver waters based upon flow volume.__Class I waters are those
waters with low-flow volume.__Class II waters are those waters
with moderate-flow volume.__Class III waters are those waters
with high-flow volume.

2.__Prohibition on Class I streams.__A municipality may
petition the commissioner to close by rule all or a portion of
the elver fishing waters located within that municipality.__The
commissioner must hold a public hearing as part of any rule-
making action on a municipality's petition to close elver fishing

3.__Limitations on elver fyke nets and Sheldon eel traps.__It
is unlawful for a person to fish for or take elvers with an elver
fyke net or Sheldon eel trap from any river, brook or stream
classified as Class I or Class II by the commissioner under
subsection 1.

4.__Establishment of elver fyke net sites.__It is unlawful for
a person to immerse an elver fyke net in the coastal waters
unless that net is immersed on a site designated for the location
of an elver fyke net.__The commissioner shall by rule designate
sites on which elver fyke nets may be located in Class III
waters.__Elver fyke net sites must be separated by a distance of
at least 75 feet.

5.__Alternating sides on Class III waters.__It is unlawful for
a person to fish for or take elvers during 2 consecutive calendar
years from the same side of Class III waters.__The commissioner
shall by rule establish a schedule for each Class

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