LD 1179
pg. 1
LD 1179 Title Page An Act to Amend Weight Requirement Inequalities Between Hauling Wood Products a... LD 1179 Title Page
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 29-A MRSA §2357, sub-§2, ¶D, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 683, Pt.
A, §2 and affected by Pt. B, §5, is amended to read:

D. On the tri-axle unit of a 4-axle single-unit vehicle
hauling forest products, 64,000 pounds.


This bill amends the weight tolerance for certain trucks by
allowing a maximum load of 64,000 pounds on the tri-axle unit of
a 4-axle single-unit vehicle that carries certain materials.
These materials include building materials that absorb moisture
during delivery originating and terminating within the State,
bark, sawdust, firewood, sawed lumber, dimension lumber,
pulpwood, wood chips, logs, soil, unconsolidated rock material
including limestone, bolts, farm produce, road salt,
manufacturer's concrete products, solid waste or incinerator ash,
highway construction materials, products requiring refrigeration
and raw ore when transported from a mine or quarry to a place of
processing. Under current law, the tolerance applies only to the
tri-axle unit of a 4-axle single-unit vehicle that carries forest

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