LD 1181
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Laws Pertaining to Dangerous Dogs LD 1181 Title Page
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LR 1487
Item 1

A.__Upon 2 days' notice or such shorter period as the court
may prescribe, the owner whose animal has been possessed
pursuant to an ex parte order may appear in the District Court
or Superior Court and move the dissolution or modification of
the ex parte order.

B.__The court shall hear and determine the motion as
expeditiously as possible.

C.__The owner shall submit an affidavit setting forth
specific facts to substantiate the modification or
dissolution of the order.__The applicant has the burden of
presenting evidence to substantiate the original findings.

Sec. 4. 7 MRSA §3952, sub-§7 is enacted to read:

7.__Class D crime.__If the owner refuses or neglects to comply
with the orders in subsections 1 and 4, the owner commits a Class
D crime.


This bill seeks to strengthen enforcement of the laws
pertaining to dangerous dogs. The bill adds the district
attorney as a person to which an individual may file a complaint
when the individual, or if a minor, the individual's parent or
guardian is assaulted by a dangerous dog. The bill indicates
that if the dog has inflicted a serious bodily injury to a person
an ex parte order may be entered. The bill also makes it a Class
D crime if an owner does not abide by the orders in the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 7, section 3952, subsections 1 and 4.

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