LD 1183
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Item 1

Sec. 4. 8 MRSA §271, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1995, c. 408, §3, is

Sec. 5. 8 MRSA §271, sub-§7, as reallocated by RR 1997, c. 1, §5, is
amended to read:

7. Hearing on horse supply. Prior to August of each year,
the commission shall conduct a hearing to determine whether the
horse supply in the State has been adequate for the number of
dashes conducted on assigned race dates. If the commission
concludes that the horse supply has been inadequate, the
commission shall limit to the extent necessary the number of
dashes that a licensee may race on any date after August 1st
Labor Day of that year that has been assigned to more than one
track. The commission may not restrict the number of dashes to
fewer than 10.

Sec. 6. 8 MRSA §271, sub-§8, reallocated by RR 1997, c. 1, §6, is
amended to read:

8. Term of license and race date assignment. Notwithstanding
any provision of this chapter to the contrary, each license to
conduct live racing or to engage in simulcast wagering, including
by operating an off-track betting facility as defined in section
275-A and all awards of race dates issued or made by the
commission, beginning with licenses issued and race dates awarded
for 1998, may be for a 2-year period; except, that if a
commercial track does not use during the first year of any such
2-year license a race date that it was entitled to receive for
both years pursuant to section 275-N, then the commission may
hold a hearing prior to the 2nd year or the term of that racing
license to determine whether the award of that race date for the
second year of the term should be revoked.

Sec. 7. 8 MRSA §271, sub-§9, as reallocated by RR 1997, c. 1, §7, is


The bill deregulates the race date assignment process,
allowing all tracks, including fairs, to conduct live racing on
whatever day they choose.

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