LD 1184
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act to Amend the Inspection Process for Motor Vehicles That Fail Inspection ... LD 1184 Title Page
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LR 488
Item 1

year inspection stickers. Refunds or exchanges may only be made
for full sheets of unused stickers.

If an inspection station has partially used sheets of inspection
stickers, the inspection station may use these inspection
stickers on vehicles in the first January following the
expiration of the inspection sticker, as long as the place
indicating the month of December is hole-punched and entered; or
the station may return the partially used sheet for a refund.

6. Return of inspection materials. Upon suspension,
revocation or termination of an inspection license, the station
owner or manager shall return all inspection materials to the
Chief of the State Police, who shall issue a receipt for the
returned materials.

7.__Defect reporting forms.__The Chief of the State Police
shall issue to each inspection station 50 defect reporting forms.__
Additional forms may be printed by each inspection station at the
expense of the inspection station.

Sec. 4. 29-A MRSA §1768, sub-§8 is enacted to read:

8.__Operation of vehicle after expiration of failure sticker.__
An owner or operator of a vehicle that has failed inspection
commits a traffic infraction if that person operates that vehicle
or permits that vehicle to be operated without having the vehicle
inspected within one month of the issue of a failure sticker
pursuant to section 1758.


This bill requires that for a motor vehicle that does not pass
inspection, the owner be given a defect report and the vehicle
have placed on it a failure sticker. The owner has one month to
repair the defect that caused the vehicle to fail inspection. It
also provides for the use of, or a refund for, a partially used
sheet of inspection stickers.

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