LD 1186
pg. 1
LD 1186 Title Page An Act Regarding the Circumstances under Which a Physician May Be Disciplined ... LD 1186 Title Page
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LR 2002
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 32 MRSA §3282-A, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1997, c. 680, Pt. C,
§§5 to 8, is further amended by amending the first paragraph to

2. Grounds for discipline. The board may censure an
individual licensed under this chapter or suspend or revoke a
license pursuant to Title 5, section 10004. The following are
grounds for an action to censure an individual licensed under
this chapter or refuse to issue, modify, restrict, suspend,
revoke or refuse to renew the license of an individual licensed
under this chapter:

Sec. 2. 32 MRSA §3282-A, sub-§2, ķE, as amended by PL 1993, c. 600, Pt.
A, §218, is further amended to read:

E. Incompetence in the practice for which the licensee is
licensed. A licensee is considered incompetent in the
practice if the licensee has:

(1) Engaged in one or more acts of conduct that evidences
evidence a lack of ability or fitness to discharge the
duty owed by the licensee to a client or patient or the
general public; or

(2) Engaged in conduct that evidences a lack of knowledge
or inability to apply principles or skills to carry out
the practice for which the licensee is licensed;


This bill allows the Board of Licensure in Medicine to censure
or otherwise discipline a person licensed in medicine if that
person commits even one act of incompetence on one patient.

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