LD 1190
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act to Allow Greenings Island to Secede from the Town of Southwest Harbor BY... Page 4 of 4
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LR 1993
Item 1

4. The Town of Greenings Island shall bear its just and due
proportion of the bonded indebtedness of the Town of Southwest
Harbor as determined pursuant to Part B of this Act.

Sec. A-7. Property taxes. Greenings Island territory remains a part
of the Town of Southwest Harbor for all purposes including
liabilities, obligations and the collection and disbursement of
property taxes up to the effective date of separation and the
Town of Southwest Harbor shall maintain its customary level of
service to the Greenings Island territory until that date. After
that date, each municipality is separately responsible for
raising and collecting the revenues necessary to fund its
respective government.


Sec. B-1. Other duties and responsibilities. The Town of Southwest Harbor
and the Town of Greenings Island shall allocate duties and
responsibilities between themselves as they mutually determine to
be necessary and appropriate and shall negotiate with each other
in good faith.

Sec. B-2. Agreement binding; binding arbitration. Negotiations under section
1 of this Part must be completed by January 1, 2000, subject to a
mutually agreed upon extension. If the parties reach agreement
by that date, the agreement must be reduced to writing and is
final and binding on the Town of Southwest Harbor and the Town of
Greenings Island upon incorporation of the Town of Greenings
Island on July 1, 2000 if the referendum question in Part A,
section 2 is approved.

If the parties do not reach agreement by January 1, 2000, the
parties shall submit any matters remaining in dispute to a panel
of arbitrators and shall reduce to writing all matters agreed
upon. The panel of arbitrators consists of one arbitrator
selected by the Town of Southwest Harbor, one arbitrator selected
by the Town of Greenings Island and one neutral arbitrator
selected jointly by the 2 other arbitrators. Each party shall
pay its chosen arbitrator and half of the cost of the neutral
arbitrator. Determination of disputed matters by the panel of
arbitrators is final and binding on the parties. The arbitration
must be administered under the auspices of the American
Arbitration Association and, except for the selection of
arbitrators, is governed by the commercial rules and procedures
of the American Arbitration Association. The concept of "last
best offer" must be used. These issues must be resolved no later
than March 31, 2000.

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