LD 1191
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be used only for the following purposes: to provide assistance to
enterprises in this State for the design, construction,
implementation or improvement of facilities to grow, harvest,
process or market cranberries; or for the construction, renovation
or acquisition of land, buildings, equipment, vines, docks,
wharves, piers or vessels used in connection with a commercial
cranberry enterprise.__Repayment of these loans and interest on
these loans must be credited to the fund and must be available for
making additional loans for the same purposes.__Interest earned on
money in the fund and interest earned on loans made from the fund
may be used to pay the administrative costs of the authority.

Sec. B-5. 10 MRSA §1026-Q is enacted to read:

§1026-Q.__Cranberry Product Loan Program

The Cranberry Product Loan Program is established to provide
loans to cranberry growers and processors in order to encourage
the growth and development of the cranberry industry in this

1.__Administration.__The authority shall administer the
Cranberry Product Loan Fund established under section 1023-L.

2.__Conditions.__Cranberry product loans are subject to the
following conditions.

A.__A cranberry product loan for any project under this
subchapter, the total cost of which exceeds $150,000, may
not exceed 55% of the project cost.__A loan from the fund
may not be provided for such a project unless the applicant
provides a business plan acceptable to the authority and
demonstrates a commitment of private funds or in-kind
contribution acceptable to the authority of at least 10% of
the total cost of the project; except that, in order to
encourage the undertaking of cooperative projects by 2 or
more enterprises, a cranberry product loan may not be
provided unless the cooperating enterprises as a group
demonstrate a commitment of private funds or in-kind
contribution acceptable to the authority of at least 5% of
the total cost of the project.__A cranberry product loan may
not exceed $250,000 for any borrower.

B.__A cranberry product loan for any project under this
subchapter, the total cost of which is $150,000 or less, may
not exceed 90% of the total cost of the project, including
in-kind contributions approved by the authority.

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