LD 1192
pg. 10
Page 9 of 18 An Act to Update Insurance Financial Standards Page 11 of 18
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LR 1012
Item 1

obligations due under the reinsurance agreements subject
to the trust.

(6) The trustees of the trust shall report to the
superintendent in writing by February 28th of each
year, setting forth the balance of the trust and
listing the trust's investments at the end of the
preceding year and certifying the date of termination
of the trust, if so planned, or certifying that the
trust does not expire before December 31st of the
current year.

(7) The corpus of the trust is to be valued as any
other admitted asset or assets;

Sec. 20. 24-A MRSA §731-B, sub-§1, ¶D, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 846,
Pt. E, §2 and affected by §4, is amended to read:

D. Does not meet the requirements of paragraph A, B or C,
but only with respect to risks located in a jurisdiction
other than the United States, when where that reinsurance is
required by any applicable law or regulation of that
jurisdiction. The superintendent for good cause after
notice and opportunity for hearing may disallow or reduce
the credit otherwise permitted under this paragraph.

Sec. 21. 24-A MRSA §731-B, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 846, Pt.
E, §2 and affected by §4, is repealed.

Sec. 22. 24-A MRSA §944, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 128, is

Sec. 23. 24-A MRSA §3487 is enacted to read:

§3487.__Redomestication of insurers

1.__Redomestication of foreign insurers to Maine.__Any stock
or mutual insurer that is organized under the laws of any other
state and has a valid certificate of authority to do business in
this State may become a domestic insurer with approval of the
superintendent by amending its certificate of organization or
equivalent corporate charter and by designating a location in
this State as its principal place of business.__The
redomestication must be approved if the chief insurance
regulatory official of the other state certifies to the
superintendent that the redomestication is in compliance with all
requirements established by the laws of that state, and the
superintendent determines that the insurer's operations and
corporate organization will comply with the requirements of this
chapter and that the redomestication is not contrary to the

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