LD 1192
pg. 6
Page 5 of 18 An Act to Update Insurance Financial Standards Page 7 of 18
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LR 1012
Item 1

C.__A member of an insurer's holding company system shall
comply fully and accurately with a request by the insurer to
provide it with information necessary to respond to an
examination request by the superintendent pursuant to this

Sec. 14. 24-A MRSA §222, sub-§§17 and 18, as enacted by PL 1975, c. 356,
§1, are amended to read:

17. Jurisdiction of courts; service of process. Any person
obtaining or attempting to obtain control of a domestic insurer
shall by such act is subject such person to the jurisdiction of
the courts of this State and to service of process in the manner
provided in this Title. Unless a valid appointment of an agent
for service of process is on file with the superintendent
pursuant to another provision of this Title, the person is deemed
to have appointed the superintendent as agent for service of
process, and service may be made in the same manner as provided
in section 2105.

18. Rules. The superintendent may, upon notice and
opportunity for all interested parties persons to be heard, issue
such adopt reasonable rules, regulations and orders as shall be
necessary to carry out and effectuate provisions of this section.

Sec. 15. 24-A MRSA §226, sub-§§1 and 2, as amended by PL 1973, c. 585,
§12, are further amended to read:

1. The Within 60 days after completion of the examination,
the superintendent shall deliver a copy of the verified
examination report to the person examined, together with a notice
affording such that person 20 days or such an additional
reasonable period as the superintendent for good cause may allow,
within which to review the report and recommend changes therein
to the report.

2. If so requested by the person examined, within the period
allowed under subsection 1, or if deemed determined advisable by
the superintendent without such request, the superintendent shall
hold a hearing relative to the report and shall may not file the
report in the bureau until after such the hearing and his the
superintendent's order thereon on the report; except that the
superintendent may furnish a copy of the report to the Governor,
Attorney General or Treasurer of State pending final decision
thereon and, if such the copies are so furnished, they shall be
are deemed confidential information until the other requirements
of this section with regard to examination reports have been
satisfied. In lieu of convening a hearing, the superintendent
may reopen the examination or, if supported by the

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