LD 1206
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act to Provide for the 1999 and 2000 Allocations of the State Ceiling on Pri... Page 3 of 3
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LR 2703
Item 1

10, section 363, subsection 7 for calendar year 1999. Ten
million dollars of the state ceiling for calendar year 2000 is
allocated to the Maine Municipal Bond Bank to be used or
reallocated in accordance with Title 10, section 363, subsection

Sec. 4. Allocation to the Maine Educational Loan Authority. The $20,000,000 of
the state ceiling for calendar year 1999 previously allocated to
the Maine Educational Loan Authority is allocated to the Maine
Educational Loan Authority to be used or reallocated in
accordance with the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 10, section
363, subsection 8 for calendar year 1999. Twenty million dollars
of the state ceiling for calendar year 2000 is allocated to the
Maine Educational Loan Authority to be used or reallocated in
accordance with Title 10, section 363, subsection 8.

Sec. 5. Allocation to the Maine State Housing Authority. The $40,000,000 of
the state ceiling for calendar year 1999 previously allocated to
the Maine State Housing Authority is allocated to the Maine State
Housing Authority to be used or reallocated in accordance with
the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 10, section 363, subsection 4
for calendar year 1999. Forty million dollars of the state
ceiling for calendar year 2000 is allocated to the Maine State
Housing Authority for the same uses.

Sec. 6. Allocation to the Maine Educational Loan Marketing Corporation. The
$20,000,000 of the state ceiling for calendar year 1999
previously allocated to the Maine Educational Loan Marketing
Corporation is allocated to the Maine Educational Loan Marketing
Corporation to be used or reallocated in accordance with the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 10, section 363, subsection 8 for
calendar year 1999. Twenty million dollars of the state ceiling
for calendar year 2000 is allocated to the Maine Educational Loan
Marketing Corporation to be used or reallocated in accordance
with Title 10, section 363, subsection 8.

Sec. 7. Unallocated state ceiling. Thirty-five million dollars of the
state ceiling for calendar year 2000 is unallocated and must be
reserved for future allocation in accordance with applicable

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill establishes the allocations of the state ceiling on
issuance of tax-exempt bonds for calendar years 1999 and 2000.
Under federal law, a maximum of $150,000,000 in tax-exempt

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