LD 1207
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act to Amend the Local Highway Laws LD 1207 Title Page
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LR 1836
Item 1

When any excavation shall be is made in any paved public
highway and the trench shall have has been filled as required by
sections 3355 and 3356, the commissioner of public works or such
officer as the city government may appoint municipality shall
relay the pavement or enter into an agreement for relaying of the
pavement by the permittee. The cost thereof of relaying the
payment, including materials, labor and inspection, shall must be
paid out of any moneys money in the city municipal treasury
standing to the credit of the regular fund for this purpose.

Sec. 8. 23 MRSA §3358 is amended to read:

§3358. Filing map of location

The party applying for a permit for said an excavation under
sections 3351 to 3358 must file a map or sketch with the road
commissioner, the commissioner of public works or such officer as
the city government municipal officers may appoint in the absence
of a commissioner, showing the location and size of cuts to be

Sec. 9. 23 MRSA §3359 is amended to read:

§3359. Minimum excavation for pavement on a concrete base

When Unless otherwise required in a municipal ordinance or
regulation, when any excavation shall be is made in any paved
public highway and said pavement is repaired by a contractor or
the commissioner of public works or such officer as the city
government may appoint, the commissioner of public works or such
officer as the city government may appoint, where said pavements
are the pavement is laid on a concrete base, shall the excavation
must have the pavement and concrete cut back on each side of the
excavation ditch a distance of 8 inches, and in issuing the
permits for cutting the pavements pavement this extra width shall
must be charged to the person applying for the same permits.

Sec. 10. 23 MRSA c. 307, sub-c. II, Art. 2 is repealed.


This bill provides towns with the same authority that cities
have to regulate excavations of local highways. The term
"municipal officers" is substituted for "city government" to
include different forms of local government. Additionally, the
bill includes the reasonable cost of municipal inspections and of
the reduced life of the roadway among the costs that may be
assessed. The bill clarifies that municipalities have the right
to protect local highways and this right may not be preempted by
other laws governing the regulation of utilities. The bill adds
a definition of the term "base material."

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