LD 1210
pg. 1
LD 1210 Title Page An Act to Amend the Site Evaluator Licensing Laws LD 1210 Title Page
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LR 1080
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §42, sub-§3-A, as amended by PL 1985, c. 612, §2, is
further amended to read:

3-A. Licensing of persons to evaluate soils for subsurface
wastewater disposal systems. The department shall adopt rules
providing for professional qualification and competence, ethical
standards, licensing and relicensing and revocation of licenses
of persons to evaluate soils for the purpose of designing
subsurface waste water wastewater disposal systems. The hearings
provided for in subsection 3 shall must include consideration of
the adoption or change of those rules.

The department shall investigate or cause to be investigated all
cases or complaints of noncompliance with or violations of this
section and the rules adopted pursuant to this section. The
department has the authority to grant or amend, modify or refuse
to issue or renew a license in accordance with the Maine
Administrative Procedure Act, Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter V.
The Administrative Court shall have has the exclusive
jurisdiction to suspend or revoke the license of any person who
is found guilty of noncompliance with or violation of the rules
adopted pursuant to this subsection or subsection 3.

The department may charge applicants no more than $60 $100 for
examination to become a licensed site evaluator. The department
shall by rule charge a biennial site evaluator license fee of $40
not more than $150. A licensed site evaluator who is employed by
the department to administer this section and does not practice
for the public is exempt from the licensee fee requirement.
Appropriate rules shall must be adopted by the department
defining the appropriate financial procedure. The fees shall be
are paid to the Treasurer of State to be maintained as a
permanent fund and used by the department for carrying out its
plumbing and subsurface waste water wastewater disposal rules and
site evaluation program.


This bill clarifies the authority of the Department of Human
Services to adopt rules governing licensing of persons to
evaluate soils and to design subsurface wastewater disposal
systems and raises fees for the examination of licensed site
evaluators and the site evaluator license.

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