LD 1227
pg. 1
LD 1227 Title Page Resolve, Regarding State Mandates Imposed Before Approval of the Constitutional... LD 1227 Title Page
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LR 2340
Item 1

Sec. 1. Identification and funding of prior unfunded state mandates. Resolved: That
the Legislative Council of the 119th Legislature shall identify
mandates as defined in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 30-A,
section 5685, subsection 1 that were imposed by the State on a
local unit or units of government during the biennium of the
115th Legislature and for which at least 90% of the additional
local expenditures necessary to comply with the mandate were not
provided by the State. If no unfunded mandates were imposed
during that biennium, the Legislative Council shall review
previous biennia until an unfunded mandate or mandates are
identified. The council shall report its findings to the Joint
Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs by
November 15, 1999. The committee shall include funding in the
supplemental budget for the year 2000 to provide to the affected
local units of government at least 90% of the cost of
implementing the unfunded mandate or mandates or shall introduce
legislation in the Second Regular Session of the 119th
Legislature to reauthorize each unfunded mandate by at least a
2/3 vote of the members present and voting in each body or to
repeal the unfunded mandate or mandates. The Legislative Council
of the 120th Legislature shall identify the next previous
unfunded mandate imposed on a local unit or units of government.


The voters approved an amendment to the Constitution of Maine,
effective November 23, 1992, that prohibited the imposition of
mandates on local units of government unless enacted by a 2/3
vote of the Legislature or unless at least 90% funding is
provided by the State. This resolve directs the Legislative
Council to identify any unfunded mandates passed in the biennium
before the Constitutional Amendment went into effect and to apply
the provisions of the amendment to those mandates as well.

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