LD 1229
pg. 1
LD 1229 Title Page Resolve, to Promote Community Mental Health Services LD 1229 Title Page
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LR 2076
Item 1

Sec. 1. Rulemaking. Resolved: That by January 1, 2000 the Department
of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services
shall adopt rules to endure fair contracting for community mental
health services. The rules must separate the provision of
community mental health services under the Medicaid program from
grants to community mental health centers for the provision of
community mental health services. In the category of Medicaid
reimbursable services, the rule must provide for transfer to the
provider of an amount to be used to match federal funds. The
rules must provide that the department will contribute funds in
addition to the match amount if services are provided that fully
utilize the amount of funds. The rules must provide that unused
match funds will revert to the department if they are not needed
to provide services in that account in that budget year. In the
category of grant funds, the rules must provide for payment of a
grant in a fixed amount for mental health services, this amount
being independent of the funds in the Medicaid match account.
Rules adopted pursuant to this Act are routine technical rules as
defined by the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A.


This resolve requires the Department of Mental Health, Mental
Retardation and Substance Abuse Services to adopt rules by
January 1, 2000 regarding community mental health services. The
rules require contracts to separate fixed-amount grant funds from
Medicaid reimbursement funds, which would vary with the amount of
services rendered by the mental health services provider.

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