LD 1237
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act to Protect the Right of Employees to Freely Decide Whether to Support La... Page 3 of 3
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LR 1926
Item 1

that the employee may revoke the authorization at any time by
giving the employer 30 days' written notice.

§1804.__Unlawful agreements, understanding or practice

Any written or oral agreement, understanding or practice
between an employer and a labor organization in violation of this
chapter is unlawful, void and unenforceable.

§1805.__Notice to be posted

Every employer shall post and keep continuously displayed the
following notice in the employer's business establishment or
premises where it may be readily seen by all employees and shall
furnish a copy of the notice to each employee at the time the
employee is hired or is reemployed or reinstated after any period
of lapse in the employee's employment status:

"Under the law of the State of Maine, employees are protected
in the exercise of their free choice to join or refrain from
joining labor unions, and it is unlawful for an employer and a
labor union to enter into a contract or agreement requiring
employees to join or remain members of a labor union, or
requiring them to pay dues, fees or charges of any kind to a
labor union as a condition of obtaining or keeping a job.__Under
the law, an employer may not discharge or otherwise discriminate
against an employee because of the employee joining a labor union
or because of the employee's refusal to join, pay dues, fees or
other charges to a labor union."


Any person, employer, labor organization or agent or
representative of an employer or labor organization who directly
or indirectly imposes upon a person any requirement prohibited by
this chapter is guilty of a Class E crime.

§1807.__Injunctive relief

A person damaged as a result of a violation or threatened
violation of this chapter is entitled to injunctive relief
against all violators or persons threatening violation and may
also recover all damages of any character, resulting from the
violation or threatened violation, cognizable at common law.__
These remedies are independent of and in addition to the
penalties and remedies prescribed in other provisions of this

§1808.__Attorney General to investigate any complaint

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