LD 1241
pg. 15
Page 14 of 24 An Act to Create a Single-payor System for Universal Health Care Page 16 of 24
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LR 1344
Item 1

2.__Negotiation with providers.__Negotiations between the
administrator and providers are subject to the provisions of this

A.__The administrator shall negotiate with providers or
provider associations to determine reimbursement rates for
services covered under the plan.__As appropriate, the
administrator shall use the federal resource-based,
relative-value scale as a fee schedule, adjusted as
appropriate for the plan.__The administrator may not agree
to reimburse participating providers at a rate that, based
upon projections approved by the authority, would cause
health care expenditures to exceed the global budget set by
the authority pursuant to section 9810;

B.__All professional provider associations may participate
in reimbursement negotiations.__All providers within a
category are bound by the results of the negotiations
between the administrator and the association representing
that category of provider recognized by the authority
pursuant to section 9806; and

C.__In the event that negotiations with providers__are not
concluded in a timely manner, the authority may set rates,
fees and prices for services reimbursed under the plan.__A
provider aggrieved by a rate, fee or price set by the
authority pursuant to this subsection, upon the production
of credible evidence that the rate, fee or price is
confiscatory, is entitled to a hearing as provided under
section 9813.

3.__Caps on reimbursement.__Notwithstanding the provisions of
subsection 2, the administrator shall establish a limit on the
aggregate annual payment to an individual participating provider.__
An individual provider whose billing volume or distribution
suggests the possibility of impropriety is subject to
investigation by the administrator or the board and may be
subject to exclusion or other penalties.

4.__Prior year expenditures.__The administrator shall reduce
total reimbursement to participating providers by the amount that
the prior year's total expenditures exceeded the global budget or
increase total reimbursement to participating providers by the
amount that the prior year's total expenditures were less than
the global budget.__For the purposes of this subsection, "prior
year" means the most recent year for which the board can
determine total expenditures.__The administrator may reduce or
increase reimbursement pursuant to this section on a sector-by-
sector basis, as appropriate.

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