LD 1241
pg. 24
Page 23 of 24 An Act to Create a Single-payor System for Universal Health Care LD 1241 Title Page
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LR 1344
Item 1

Medicare programs. The department is required to apply for all

waivers necessary to integrate the Medicaid program with the
Maine Health Care Plan, and the authority is required to apply
for all waivers necessary to coordinate the benefits of the Maine
Health Care Plan and the Medicare program.

Part C eliminates the requirement for the Department of Human
Services to create a health resource plan. This Part also
repeals the certificate of need program.

Part D allows the members of the board of the Maine Health
Care Authority to be paid for expenses incurred by them.

Part E repeals the statutes creating the State Employee Health
Commission and the Health Insurance Plan for State Employees.
State employees will be insured under the Maine Health Care Plan.

Part F requires the Bureau of Insurance and the Maine Health
Care Authority to study the statutes and regulations enforced by
the bureau and report to the Legislature regarding any statutory
changes needed to coordinate the role of the bureau with the
implementation of the Maine Health Care Plan.

Part G requires the Department of Human Services to submit
legislation to make technical corrections to the statutes
necessitated by this Act, including cross-references.

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