LD 1241
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Page 5 of 24 An Act to Create a Single-payor System for Universal Health Care Page 7 of 24
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LR 1344
Item 1

established pursuant to section 9810.__The report must include
facts, suggestions and policy recommendations that the board
considers necessary and must report on access to health care
under the plan, the economic impact of the plan on the State's
gross state product, employment and per capita income and the
quality of health care offered under the plan, with comparative
statistics from comparable states.__The authority may publish and
disseminate information helpful to the residents of this State in
making informed choices in obtaining health care, including the
results of studies or analyses undertaken by the authority.

10.__Grants.__The board may solicit, receive and accept gifts,
grants, payments and other funds and advances from any person and
enter into agreements with respect to those gifts, grants,
payments and other funds and advances, including agreements that
involve the undertaking of studies, plans, demonstrations and
projects, except that the board may not accept grants from any
person or entity that has a financial interest in the decisions
of the board distinct from the interest of the general public.

11.__Legal action.__The board may sue or be sued, including
taking any action necessary for securing legal remedies for, on
behalf of or against the authority, any board member or other
parties subject to this chapter.

12.__Rulemaking.__The board may adopt, amend and repeal rules
as necessary for the proper administration and enforcement of
this chapter.__Rules adopted pursuant to this chapter are routine
technical rules in accordance with Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A.

13.__Other powers.__The board may exercise all powers
reasonably necessary to carry out the powers granted and
responsibilities imposed by this chapter.

§9804.__Maine Health Care Plan established

The Maine Health Care Plan is established to provide health
benefits to residents of the State as provided under this chapter
beginning July 1, 2000.

1.__Services covered.__If necessary or appropriate for
prevention, diagnosis or treatment of or maintenance or
rehabilitation following injury, disability or disease, the plan
must provide coverage for the following health care services:

A.__Inpatient services, including:

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