LD 1241
pg. 8
Page 7 of 24 An Act to Create a Single-payor System for Universal Health Care Page 9 of 24
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LR 1344
Item 1

(7)__Accredited Christian Science facilities' services
other than the equivalents to those provided by

(8)__Acupuncture services provided as nonacute care;

(9)__Massage therapy services provided as nonacute

D.__Mental health and substance abuse services, both
inpatient and outpatient, including detoxification and

E.__Preventive services as follows:

(1)__Preventive medical services for both children and
adults in accordance with the United States Task Force
on Preventive Services Guidelines, except that
screening mammograms must be provided in accordance
with the guidelines of the American Cancer Society;

(2)__Dental services for persons under 21 years of age,
including examinations, cleanings, fluoride treatments,
sealants and education at 6-month intervals and
radiographs on an annual basis; and

(3)__Dental services for persons 21 years of age and
older, including examinations, sealants, fluoride
treatments, cleaning and education covered on an annual

F.__Reproductive services, including coverage of prenatal,
delivery and postpartum care, the diagnosis and treatment of
sexually transmitted disease and birth control procedures,
including sterilization, birth control devices and abortion;

G.__Laboratory, radiology and special diagnostic procedures
when medically necessary and appropriate, including
electromyograms, nerve conduction studies, nuclear medicine
procedures, pulmonary function studies and electrophysiology

H.__Hospice and palliative care only when medically
necessary and appropriate, including medical supplies, drugs
and medications, equipment and care for pain control and
symptom management in the last 6 months of life;

I.__Supplemental services as follows:

(1)__Prosthetic devices when medically necessary and

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