LD 1249
pg. 1
LD 1249 Title Page An Act to Eliminate the Lodging Tax on Long-term Rentals LD 1249 Title Page
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LR 2644
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §1760, sub-§20, as amended by PL 1991, c. 546, §20, is
further amended to read:

20. Continuous residence; refunds and credits. Rental
charged to any person who resides continuously for 28 days at any
one hotel, rooming house, tourist or trailer camp if: .

A. The person does not maintain a primary residence at some
other location; or

B. The person is residing away from that person's primary
residence in connection with employment or education.

Tax paid by such a person to the retailer under section 1812
during the initial 28-day period must be refunded by the
retailer. Such a tax reported and paid to the State by the
retailer may be taken as a credit by the retailer on the report
filed by the retailer covering the month in which refund was made
to such the tenant.

This subsection applies to all rentals of any hotel, rooming
house or tourist or trailer camp for occupancy on or after July
1, 1991 regardless of the date on which payment for the rental is

Sec. 2. Application. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 36, section 1760, subsection 20, this Act applies to tax
years beginning January 1, 2000.


This bill expands the long-term lodging exemption from sales
tax to include rentals by persons who maintain another primary
residence and who are not renting in connection with employment
or education.

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