LD 1251
pg. 1
LD 1251 Title Page An Act to Change the Reimbursement Rate for Law Enforcement Personnel Who Testi... LD 1251 Title Page
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LR 2149
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 4 MRSA §173, sub-§4-A, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 750,
Pt. A, §2, are amended to read:

A. The court shall reimburse the municipality or county
that employs the law enforcement officer a flat fee of $25
$50 for each day or part of a day that a law enforcement
officer is physically present for a scheduled trial in
District Court, whether or not the officer is called upon to
give testimony.

B. The court shall pay a municipality or county a flat fee
of $25 $50 for each day or part of a day that a municipal or
county law enforcement officer, designated by the
municipality or county as its court officer, is physically
present in a District Court in order to adequately handle
that municipality's or county's case load.

The court officer required to be present at an arraignment
may be an officer other than the arresting officer if the
municipality or county has designated the officer to handle
the arraignment case load of that municipality or county.
In addition, one or more municipalities may designate either
a municipal law enforcement officer or a county law
enforcement officer to represent the municipalities at


This bill increases the reimbursement fee paid to a
municipality by the court for each day a law enforcement officer
is physically present for a scheduled trial in District Court
from $25 a day to $50 a day.

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