LD 1252
pg. 1
LD 1252 Title Page An Act to Explain the Check-off Box on Maine Tax Returns for Campaign Financing... LD 1252 Title Page
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LR 1397
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §5286, sub-§2, as enacted by IB 1995, c. 1, §18, is
amended to read:

2. Forms. The State Tax Assessor shall provide on the first
page of the income tax form a space for the filing individual to
indicate whether that filer wishes to pay $3, or $6 if filing a
joint return, from the General Fund of the State to finance the
Maine Clean Election Fund. The tax form must contain, in summary
form, an explanation of the purpose and uses of taxpayer election
fund contributions.


This bill requires that state tax forms contain an explanation
of the Maine Clean Election Fund and the uses of taxpayer
contributions by that fund.

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