LD 1255
pg. 1
LD 1255 Title Page An Act Providing for Regulation of the Uses of Surface Waters within or Affecti... Page 2 of 2
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §685-C, sub-§10, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 739, §1, is
amended to read:

10. Operating a personal watercraft. Operating a personal
watercraft is prohibited on the following categories of great

A. Great ponds located entirely or partly within the
jurisdiction of the commission that are identified in an
official comprehensive land use plan adopted by the
commission pursuant to subsection 1 as being not accessible
within 1/4 mile by 2-wheel drive vehicles, with less than
one development unit per mile, and at least one outstanding
resource value;

B. Great ponds located entirely or partly within the
jurisdiction of the commission that are identified in an
official comprehensive land use plan adopted by the
commission as being accessible within 1/4 mile by 2-wheel
drive vehicles, with less than one development unit per
mile, with 2 or more outstanding resource values in
fisheries, wildlife, scenic or shore character;

C. Great ponds and smaller ponds located entirely or partly
within the jurisdiction of the commission that are
identified in an official comprehensive land use plan
adopted by the commission as being not accessible within 1/2
mile by 2-wheel drive vehicles, with no more than one
noncommercial remote camp and with a cold water game
fishery; and

D. Great ponds with less than all but more than 2/3 of
their surface area in or partly in the jurisdiction of the
commission that are identified as being of statewide
significance in the "Maine Wildlands Lake Assessment" dated
June 1, 1987 prepared by the commission, with 2 or more
outstanding resource values in fisheries, wildlife, scenic
or shore character and with more than 1/2 of their shoreline
in public and private conservation ownership with guaranteed
public access for low-impact public recreation.

The commission shall implement this subsection by rule adopted in
accordance with section 685-A. Rules adopted to implement this
subsection are routine technical rules pursuant to Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

This section does not apply to any waters subject to regulation
by the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission or the Passamaquoddy
Tribe under Title 30, section 6207, subsection 3-A 6207-A.

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