LD 1267
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Laws Governing the Aroostook Water and Soil Management Boar... LD 1267 Title Page
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LR 1974
Item 1

All Other$25,000$25,000

Provides funds to pay United
States Geological Survey to
conduct low-flow study in
Aroostook County.


The Aroostook Water and Soil Management Board exists under
current law specifically to assist in the implementation of the
United States Army Corps of Engineers Conservation
Research/Demonstration Program. This bill expands the board's
responsibilities to include coordinating all irrigation
activities in Aroostook County. This bill also appropriates
$25,000 per year for the next 2 years to fund a low-flow study to
be conducted by the United States Geological Survey.

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