LD 1270
pg. 1
LD 1270 Title Page An Act to Provide Child Care Subsidies for Families Who Lose Coverage under the... LD 1270 Title Page
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LR 905
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §3762, sub-§8, śC, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 530, Pt.
A, §16, is amended to read:

C. The department shall make available transitional child
care services to families who lose eligibility for TANF as a
result of increased earnings or an increase in the number of
hours worked and whose gross income is equal to or less than
85% of the State's median income for a family of comparable
size. The department may also make transitional child care
services available to families in which one or both adults
are working and who, although they remain financially
eligible for TANF benefits, request that their benefits be
terminated. The family shall pay a premium of 2% to 10% of
gross income, based on the family's gross income compared to
the federal poverty level in accordance with rules adopted
by the department. The department shall establish maximum
rates for child care that are at least equal to the 75th
percentile of local market rates for various categories of
child care and higher rates for children with special needs.
Parents must have a choice of child care within the rate
established by the department.


This bill authorizes the Department of Human Services to
provide transitional child care services to families who elect to
discontinue receiving TANF benefits but who have earned income.

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