LD 1290
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act to Create the Position of Ombudsman in the Department of Human Services ... LD 1290 Title Page
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LR 2880
Item 1

9.__Legal services.__The Department of the Attorney General shall
provide legal services as necessary to carry out the purposes of
this chapter.

10.__Location.__Office space must be made available for the
ombudsman within the capitol complex.


This bill creates the Office of Human Services Ombudsman, an
autonomous agency designed to represent the best interests of
individuals involved in matters in the Department of Human
Services and to provide independent clinical oversight for cases
in the Department of Human Services.

This bill also gives Legislators access to records maintained
by the ombudsman relating to child custody cases in which the
department is involved, as long as the parents of the child

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