LD 1308
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Clarify Roles and Responsibilities in the Child Development Services ... LD 1308 Title Page
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LR 898
Item 1

A. That screening, evaluation and referral services, at no
cost to the family, are accessible to all children, from birth
to under age 6 years of age;

B. That preschool children with disabilities, from age 3
years of age to under age 6 years of age, have free,
appropriate public education services available to them at
no cost to the family; and

C. That infants and toddlers, from birth to under age 3
years of age, have early intervention services available to
them by July 1, 1994 through and that, where applicable,
3rd-party payment or through a system of payments by
families, including a schedule of sliding fees, are secured.

Sec. 3. 20-A MRSA §7732-A, sub-§9, as amended by PL 1995, c. 662, §5,
is further amended to read:

9. Medicaid cost reimbursement. Following certification by
enrollment with the Bureau of Medical Services within the
Department of Human Services, seek reimbursement, whenever
feasible, for targeted case management and for other Medicaid
reimbursable services provided by regional site employees; and

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


The amendments to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A,
chapter 307-A clarify certain roles and responsibilities in the
Child Development Services, or CDS, System, specifically:

1. That when the plan for meeting the requirements of the
federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act exceeds
federal minimum requirements, the Department of Education provide
justification, to the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over educational matters, for the difference
between the State's plan and the federal statute or regulation;

2. That regional boards are required to seek reimbursement
from Medicaid for targeted case management and for Medicaid
reimbursable services provided by regional site employees; and

3. That the department is responsible for developing a
funding formula for yearly grants to the regional sites, and that
this funding formula must ensure adequate yearly funding to the
extent permitted by department funding and must provide
incentives for cost containment.

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