LD 1348
pg. 1
LD 1348 Title Page An Act to Provide for Fair and Open Procedures for a Waiver of Department of Ed... LD 1348 Title Page
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LR 2736
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 20-A MRSA §3-A is enacted to read:

§3-A.__Waiver of rules

1.__Waiver.__If a waiver of department rules is requested by a
local school administrative unit, the procedures for approval of
the waiver must provide the following:

A.__Public inspection and participation;

B.__Written application for the waiver;

C.__Notice to the bargaining agent or agents representing
school employees of the waiver request;

D.__A right of the bargaining agent to inspect the
application and documentation, state its views and present
relevant evidence for consideration; and

E.__Written notice to the bargaining agent of the decision
on the application and the reason for the decision.


This bill establishes a process for the approval of any waiver
of rules administered by the Department of Education.

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