LD 1359
pg. 10
Page 9 of 10 An Act to Make the Unemployment Compensation Program More Responsive to the Nee... LD 1359 Title Page
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LR 1943
Item 1

contributing employers, as reported on employer contribution

Sec. 7. 26 MRSA §1251, as amended by PL 1997, c. 293, §9, is


This bill provides access to unemployment compensation
benefits for persons who must restrict their work hours to part-
time for good cause. It permits individuals who must leave work
because of lack of child care or transportation to receive
unemployment compensation benefits. It eliminates the
restriction on unemployment benefits for seasonal workers. It
increases the taxable wage base to $16,000 while adopting an
array system to more equitably distribute tax rates among
employers and to help address the system's solvency problems.
Finally, the bill corrects format.

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