LD 1362
pg. 1
LD 1362 Title Page An Act to Allow the State to Initiate Default Proceedings in Order to Obtain Fo... LD 1362 Title Page
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LR 2697
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 15 MRSA §5826, sub-§7 is enacted to read:

7.__Default proceedings.__Upon motion of the State, the court
having jurisdiction over a criminal forfeiture matter may declare
a default judgment of forfeiture if the court finds as follows:

A.__By clear and convincing evidence that:

(1)__There was probable cause to support the seizure of
the property at the time of its seizure;

(2)__The interested party has knowledge of the seizure
of the property or the property was seized under
circumstances in which a reasonable person would have
knowledge of the seizure of that person's property; and

(3)__The interested party has failed to appear for any
court appearance in accordance with Title 17-A, chapter
45 for a violation that forms the basis of the
forfeiture, and that a warrant of arrest for the
interested party for such failure to appear has been
outstanding for 6 months or more; and

B.__By a preponderance of the evidence that the State is
entitled to a judgment of forfeiture pursuant to chapter

The State may meet its burden under paragraphs A and B by
presentation of testimony or affidavit.

The interested party has 30 days from the date of the declaration
of default judgment of forfeiture to appear before the court in
person, submit to its jurisdiction on the companion criminal
charge and to petition the court to remove the default judgment.

Post-default proceedings are governed by section 5825.


This bill allows the State to initiate default proceedings in
order to obtain forfeited assets when the defendant fails to
appear in a court proceeding.

This bill is the recommendation of the Attorney General.

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