LD 1369
pg. 13
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LR 1751
Item 1

needs while under observation are not carried out, the
Superintendent of the Maine Youth Center shall send a written
justification to the commissioner.

H.__A juvenile held under observation must be under sight
and sound supervision by the Maine Youth Center staff, which
must be constant if necessary to prevent imminent harm to
the juvenile.

§8907.__Commissioner's guardianship powers

1.__Juveniles.__The commissioner has all the power over a
juvenile that a guardian has over a ward and that a parent has
over a child with regard to allowable property that the juvenile
has at the Maine Youth Center, earnings that the juvenile
receives during the juvenile's stay at the Maine Youth Center and
the rehabilitation of every juvenile. If a juvenile is or becomes
18 years of age while still under commitment, the statutory
guardianship of the commissioner over the juvenile terminates,
but the juvenile remains subject to the control of the
commissioner, staff and rules of the center until the expiration
of the period of commitment or until discharge from the center.

2.__Juvenile detainee.__The commissioner has all the power
over a juvenile detainee that a guardian has over a ward and that
a parent has over a child with regard to necessary medical care.__
If a juvenile detainee is or becomes 18 years of age while still
detained, the statutory guardianship of the commissioner over the
juvenile detainee terminates, but the juvenile remains subject to
the control of the commissioner, staff and rules of the center
until release from the center.

§8908.__Power of center employees

The Maine Youth Center employees have the same power as
sheriffs in their respective counties to search for and apprehend
escapees from the center, when authorized to do so by the
Superintendent of the Maine Youth Center.


All court-ordered and court-related transportation of juvenile
detainees to and from the Maine Youth Center is the
responsibility of the sheriff of the county in which the court is

§8911.__Arthur R. Gould School

1.__Purpose.__The Arthur R. Gould School, located at the Maine
Youth Center, is devoted to the education and instruction of
persons residing at the center.

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