LD 1369
pg. 15
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LR 1751
Item 1

E.__When a juvenile is placed under supervision, give the
juvenile a written statement of the conditions of supervision
and fully explain the conditions to the juvenile; and

F.__Keep complete records of all work done.

4.__Juvenile caseworker's powers.__A juvenile caseworker has
the same arrest powers as other law enforcement officers with
respect to juveniles placed under that caseworker's__supervision.



§8921. Establishment

There is established the Northern Maine Regional Juvenile
Detention Facility, referred to in this subchapter as the
"facility," located in Penobscot County.

§8922. Purposes

The purposes of the Northern Maine Regional Juvenile Detention
Facility are:

1.__Detention.__To detain juveniles pending a court proceeding
or pending a preliminary hearing under Title 17-A, section 1205;

2.__Diagnostic evaluation.__To administer court-ordered
diagnostic evaluations pursuant to Title 15, section 3309-A and
court-ordered examinations pursuant to Title 15, section 3318;

3.__Confinement.__To confine juveniles ordered detained
pursuant to Title 15, section 3314, subsection 1, paragraph H.

§8923. Director

1.__Chief administrative officer.__The chief administrative
officer of the facility, referred to in this subchapter as the
"director," and is responsible to the commissioner.

2.__Duties.__In addition to other duties set out in this
Title, the director shall:

A.__Exercise supervision over the employees, grounds,
buildings and equipment at the facility; and

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