LD 1369
pg. 18
Page 17 of 23 An Act to Transfer Responsibility for Youth Corrections from the Department of ... Page 19 of 23
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LR 1751
Item 1

is continued, the physician or a member of the medical
staff shall visit the juvenile at least once every 12

E.__When placement under observation exceeds 24 hours, the
director shall direct appropriate facility staff to develop
a plan for the further care of the juvenile.__The plan must
be revised as needed to meet the changing needs of the

F.__Placement under observation may not exceed 72 hours
without the commissioner's approval, which must:

(1)__Be in writing;

(2)__State the reasons for that approval; and

(3)__Be kept on file.

G.__If the recommendations of the facility physician or
facility medical staff member regarding the juvenile's
dietary or other health needs while under observation are
not carried out, the director shall send a written
justification to the commissioner.

H.__A juvenile held under observation must be under constant
sight and sound supervision by facility staff.

§8929. Limit on number of juveniles

The population of the facility may not exceed 40 juveniles,
unless there is no other appropriate housing available for
juveniles.__Exceeding 40 juveniles in an emergency situation may
be done only for the length of time necessary to resolve the

§8930. Powers of commissioner

The commissioner has all the power over a juvenile detainee
that a guardian has over a ward and that a parent has over a
child with regard to necessary medical care.__If a juvenile
detainee is or becomes 18 years of age while still detained, the
statutory guardianship of the commissioner over the juvenile
detainee terminates, but the juvenile remains subject to the
control of the commissioner, staff and rules of the facility
until release from the facility.

Sec. 13. 34-A MRSA §1403, sub-§2, śC, as amended by PL 1995, c. 502,
Pt. F, §18, is further amended to read:

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