LD 1369
pg. 21
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LR 1751
Item 1

C. If ordered by a court of record, subject to any
limitation in the Maine Rules of Evidence, Rule 503;

D. To any criminal justice agency if necessary to carry out
the administration of criminal justice, the administration
of juvenile criminal justice or for criminal justice agency
employment; and

E. To persons engaged in research if:

(1) The research plan is first submitted to and
approved by the commissioner;

(2) The disclosure is approved by the commissioner;

(3) Neither original records nor identifying data are
removed from the facility or office that prepared the

The commissioner and the person doing the research shall
preserve the anonymity of the person receiving services from
the department and may not disseminate data that refer to
that person by name, number or in any other way that might
lead to the person's identification; and .

F. To persons who directly supervise or report on the
health, behavior or progress of a juvenile, to the
superintendent of a juvenile's school and the
superintendent's designees and to agencies that are or might
become responsible for the health or welfare of a juvenile,
if the information is relevant to and disseminated for the
purpose of creating or maintaining an individualized plan
for the juvenile's rehabilitation.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the department may
release the names, dates of birth and social security numbers of
juveniles receiving services from the department and, if
applicable, eligibility numbers and the dates on which those
juveniles received services to the Department of Human Services
for the sole purpose of determining eligibility and billing for
services under federally funded programs administered by the
Department of Human Services and provided by or through the
department. The department may also release to the Department of
Human Services information required for, and to be used solely
for, audit purposes, consistent with federal law, for those
services provided by or through the department. Department of
Human Services personnel must treat this information as
confidential in accordance with federal and state law and must
return the records when their purpose has been served.

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