LD 1369
pg. 23
Page 22 of 23 An Act to Transfer Responsibility for Youth Corrections from the Department of ... LD 1369 Title Page
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LR 1751
Item 1

B. A prisoner or juvenile who is transferred to another
facility remains liable for any restitution authorized under
this chapter. The facility receiving the prisoner or
juvenile shall collect the restitution and transfer it to
the facility where the damage occurred or where the medical
care was provided.

C. Restitution is not authorized if its imposition would
create an excessive financial hardship, as determined by the
department, on the dependents of the prisoner. Any payments
made for the support of the dependents that are required by
the Department of Human Services may not be used for
restitution payments.

Sec. 22. 34-A MRSA c. 3, sub-c. III as amended, is repealed.

Sec. 23. 34-A MRSA c. 3, sub-c. V, as amended, is repealed.

Sec. 24. 34-A MRSA §5602, as amended by PL 1997, c. 464, §16, is

Sec. 25. 34-B MRSA §6205, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1995, c. 560, Pt.
K, §72, is further amended to read:

1. Department authority. The department may provide
consultation services to any juvenile with mental retardation
committed to the Maine Youth Center if those services are
requested by the Commissioner of Corrections Human Services.
Consultation services may include participation by appropriate
department professionals on the Clinical Services Committee of
the Maine Youth Center in order to assist in the design of
individual treatment plans to provide habilitation, education and
skill training to juveniles with mental retardation in residence
at the Maine Youth Center.


This bill amends current law to transfer responsibility for
the Maine Youth Center and the Northern Maine Regional Juvenile
Detention Facility from the Department of Corrections to the
Department of Human Services. It retains the current structure
of the facilities and their relationships with the other
departments and with the federal Department of Justice.

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