LD 1386
pg. 1
LD 1386 Title Page Resolve, to Establish a Police Cadet Program for the State Police LD 1386 Title Page
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LR 1942
Item 1

Sec. 1. Police cadet program. Resolved: That the Department of Public
Safety, Bureau of State Police shall develop and implement a
police cadet program for youth who have graduated from high
school or have a high school equivalency diploma. The bureau may
use existing police cadet programs in this State and in other
states as models; and be it further

Sec. 2. Proposal and report. Resolved: That the Department of Public
Safety, Bureau of State Police shall present a proposal to
implement and fund a police cadet program to the Joint Standing
Committee on Criminal Justice by December 15, 1999.


This resolve directs the Department of Public Safety, Bureau
of State Police to develop and implement a police cadet program.

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