LD 1398
pg. 2
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Item 1

following bid competitions under section 3211-A, subsection 2,
paragraph C.

Sec. 2. 35-A MRSA §§3211-A and 3211-B are enacted to read:

§3211-A.__Energy Management Authority of Maine

1.__Authority established; purpose.__The Energy Management
Authority of Maine, referred to in this section as the
"authority," is established as a body corporate and politic and a
public instrumentality of the State.__The exercise by the
authority of its powers conferred by this chapter is deemed to be
the performance of essential governmental functions.

The purpose of the authority is to further the general goals of
this chapter with respect to retail competition for electricity
supply service in a manner that ensures that electricity products
available in the State achieve a positive impact on the State's
environment and its economy.__In keeping with this purpose, the
authority is mandated to develop and oversee a strategic plan and
policy framework that provides that the State's air quality and
environment is in no way degraded but rather improved as a result
of the activities of participants in the State's competitive
electricity market.

2.__Duties.__The authority shall:

A.__Coordinate the actions of state agencies that affect the
consumption of energy with the objective of securing the
environmental and economic benefits of electric

B.__Create objectives and an overall energy strategy for
statewide programs to be implemented by transmission and
distribution utilities pursuant to section 3211, including
program planning guidance that is sufficiently specific to
provide the basis for bidding programs or alternative
contractual arrangements when program requirements make such
arrangements preferable for the achievement of program
objectives.__The objectives and strategy shall be revised
from time to time on a schedule to be determined by the

C.__Review and approve proposed utility implementation plans,
including proposed bidding programs, for consistency with the
objectives, strategy and planning guidance established pursuant
to paragraph B prior to implementation and monitor and evaluate
implementation of programs by transmission and distribution
utilities compared with the objectives, strategy and program
planning guidance

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