LD 1398
pg. 4
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LR 1401
Item 1

B.__Coordinate its efforts with agencies of the State with
related responsibilities including the commission, the
Department of Environmental Protection, the Maine State
Housing Authority, the Finance Authority of Maine, the State
Planning Office, the Office of the Public Advocate and the
Department of Economic and Community Development;

C.__Generate where practicable the development of resources,
infrastructure and skills within the State by utilizing in-
state contractors in conjunction with bid competitions for
energy efficiency services;

D.__Pursue to the greatest extent practicable market-based
resources for implementing its various programs, as opposed
to regulatory approaches;

E.__Seek to implement the delivery of program services in
all regions of the State on a consistent basis and to
citizens at all income levels; and

F.__Apply for grants and receive grants from state, federal
and private sources when receipt of any such funding is
consistent with the purposes of this section.

4.__Staff; appointment.__The Director of the Energy Management
Authority of Maine is appointed by the Governor, subject to
review by the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over utility and energy matters and subject to
confirmation by the Legislature.__The director may hire and fire
staff as necessary to fulfill the purposes of the authority; any
such staff serve at the pleasure of the director and are not
subject to the Civil Service Law.__Compensation for all employees
of the authority is determined by the board of directors.__
Initial personnel include 3 staff members and the director.

5.__Repeal.__This section is repealed July 1, 2007.

§3211-B.__Emissions reduction credits program

1.__Program.__The Department of Environmental Protection may
establish a program of tradable emissions reduction credits that
may be earned by a generator, broker, marketer or retail customer
as a consequence of diminished impacts on air associated with
energy efficiency programs.

2.__Rulemaking.__By January 1, 2000, the Department of
Environmental Protection shall provisionally adopt rules
establishing conditions for the emissions reduction credit
program.__Rules adopted under this subsection are major

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