LD 1399
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act to Simplify the Licensing of Seafood Dealers in the State LD 1399 Title Page
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LR 1933
Item 1

C.__If cut-up tail sections of lobster meat are found at an
establishment that is engaged in selling, processing or
transporting food in any manner for human consumption, it is
prima facie evidence that the same were not cut up for the
purpose of personal use.

9.__Penalty.__The penalty for a violation of this section is
the same as that provided under section 6431, subsection 7.

Sec. 17. 36 MRSA §4714, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 513, §10, is
amended to read:

36 § 4714. Certificate required for license

The Department of Marine Resources shall may not issue or
renew a wholesale seafood license as set forth in Title 12,
section 6851 6853-A; a shellfish transportation license as set
forth in Title 12, section 6855; or a shellfish certificate as
set forth in Title 12, section 6856, for the purpose of dealing
in mahogany quahogs without proof of certification by the State
Tax Assessor, as required by this chapter. The Department of
Marine Resources shall make available to the State Tax Assessor
any licensing information necessary to implement this section.


This bill consolidates into one license all wholesale and
retail seafood activities. It repeals the requirement that
separate permits be obtained for processing lobster meat, lobster
tails and lobster tail parts. It retains the current limitations
on how lobster meat, lobster tails and lobster tail parts may be
processed, but it consolidates those provisions from 3 sections
of law into one section.

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