LD 1605
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Redefine Property Subject to the Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement... LD 1605 Title Page
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LR 2486
Item 1

A.__Real estate that is part of a manufacturing facility as
defined in section 1752, subsection 6-A; or

B.__Tangible personal property that meets the qualifications
of subsection 3, paragraphs A and B that:

(1)__Is part of a manufacturing facility as defined in
section 1752, subsection 6-A; or

(2)__Is machinery and equipment for research as
described in section 1760, subsection 32.


This bill amends the law relating to reimbursement for taxes
paid on certain business property to include reimbursement for
real estate that is part of a manufacturing facility and to
restrict reimbursement for tangible personal property to property
that is part of a manufacturing facility or is machinery and
equipment for research. The bill applies to property first
placed in service after April 1, 2000.

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