LD 1608
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LR 2303
Item 1

3.__Notwithstanding subsections 1 and 2, a creditor that complies
with Title 14, sections 6071 and 6073 is entitled to the remedies
provided in those sections when an instrument that the creditor has
taken in connection with a consumer loan, consumer lease or
consumer credit sale is dishonored.

Sec. 7. 9-A MRSA §9-309, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 396, §12, is
amended to read:

§9-309. Real estate appraisals; copies

Any A creditor which that imposes a fee on any a person for
the cost of an appraisal of any real estate in connection with an
application for credit that is to be secured by a lien on a
dwelling shall furnish to the person, at no cost, applicant a
copy of the appraisal upon written request. A creditor shall
provide a copy to the applicant according to the terms set forth
in 12 Code of Federal Regulations, 202.5a(2)(ii).

Sec. 8. 9-B MRSA §447, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 265, §2, is
amended to read:

§447. Real estate appraisals; copies

Any A financial institution which that imposes a fee on any a
person for the cost of an appraisal of any real estate in
connection with an application for credit that is to be secured
by a lien on a dwelling shall furnish to the person, at no cost,
applicant a copy of the appraisal upon written request. A
financial institution shall provide a copy to the applicant
according to the terms set forth in 12 Code of Federal
Regulations, 202.5a(2)(11).

Sec. 9. 10 MRSA §1320, sub-§§2-A and 2-B, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 453,
§4 and affected by §10, are repealed.


This bill conforms certain portions of Maine's consumer credit
laws to federal law and makes other changes in order to reduce
the regulatory burden on Maine lenders and to encourage out-of-
state lenders to make loans in Maine.

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