LD 1617
pg. 2
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LR 2918
Item 1

F.__Bureau of Child and Family Services - Central program;

G.__Bureau of Child and Family Services - Regional program;

H.__Maternal and Child Health program;

I.__Child Care Food program;

J.__Family Services program;

K.__Head Start program;

L.__Maine Children's Trust Fund - Child and Family Services

M.__Maine Children's Trust Incorporated program;

N.__Elizabeth Levinson Center program;

O.__Mental Health Services - Children program;

P.__Mental Health Services - Child Medicaid program;

Q.__Community Development - Children program;

R.__Governor Baxter School for the Deaf program;

S.__Special Education - Exceptional Children program;

T.__General Purpose Aid for Local Schools program;

U.__Preschool Handicapped program;

V.__Jobs for Maine's Graduates program;

W.__Magnet Schools program; and

X.__Maine Youth Center program.

Sec. 3. Separate appropriations and allocations for children's programs; report. The
State Budget Officer, working with the departments and agencies
of State Government, shall present a report to the Joint Standing
Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs that identifies
all resources within State Government appropriated, allocated or
otherwise available primarily for children's programs in the
2000-2001 biennium. The report must identify the program in
which the funds reside, a statement about the primary purpose of
the program and the amounts available in fiscal year 1999-00 and
fiscal year 2000-01. The report must be submitted to

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