LD 1619
pg. 10
Page 9 of 11 An Act to Create a Patients' Bill of Rights Page 11 of 11
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LR 251
Item 1

§4323.__Independent consumer assistance program

Notwithstanding the requirements of section 4321, the State
shall establish an independent consumer assistance program
through a contract with a nonprofit organization that operates
independent of health plans and carriers.__The program must
provide consumer assistance and advocacy to health plan enrollees
in choosing among carriers or among coverage options offered by
health plans and providing counseling and assistance to enrollees
dissatisfied with their treatment by carriers in regard to health
plan coverage and with respect to grievances and appeals
regarding coverage determinations under those plans.


This bill establishes a "Patients' Bill of Rights" for Maine
residents enrolled in HMO's and other health plans. It will
protect access to appropriate physicians and proper medical care
and provide a means of recourse for patients who have been
improperly denied such access. The bill will:

1. Ensure access to obstetrical and gynecological care;

2. Ensure access to specialty care for seriously ill

3. Ensure continuity of care when a physician is dropped from
a health plan;

4. Ensure access to prescription drugs;

5. Ensure access to clinical trials;

6. Provide patients with access to an independent external
review of decisions regarding health care coverage and services;

7. Prohibit offering financial incentives to providers to
limit necessary and appropriate medical care;

8. Establish an independent consumer assistance program to
provide assistance and advocacy services to patients in selecting
a health insurance plan, utilizing the plan and filing grievances
and appeals of plan decisions;

9. Provide patients with the right to sue their health plan
if the plan's failure to exercise ordinary care in making
treatment decisions causes an injury to a patient; and

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